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Live Event

2025 OCA Convention Exhibits & Sponsorships

Course Levels:
DCs and CAs
Friday, April 25 - Sunday, April 27 @ Noon
Video Access:
Not Applicable
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel - Portland, Oregon



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OCA is a statewide professional non-profit organization comprised of dedicated and talented chiropractic physicians, CAs, staff and students. The Oregon Chiropractic Association is committed to supporting our members with top-notch professional education, clinical and business expertise and advancing a strong Oregon chiropractic community. Our OCA Annual Convention is the highly anticipated, flagship “must attend” event for Oregon chiropractic practices. 

We expect approximately 250-300 chiropractic physicians and professionals to attend our popular three-day event. It is the perfect place to personally meet and network with decision-makers all in one quality venue. Attendees can earn essentially all their CE requirements in this one weekend which makes it a very high demand program.

Sponsorships are a great way to increase visibility and spotlight your company – let OCA help you market your product r service to our large chiropractic audience! Sponsoring and exhibiting also demonstrate your support of the OCA and help build valuable relationships with our members. Thank you in advance for considering participation in our 2025 OCA Annual Convention!


→ Regular Booth Fee: $950 / Premium Booth: $1,200

Each exhibit includes one 8’x8’ booth space, one skirted 6’ table, two chairs, ID sign, and two booth personnel registrations. Premium exhibit booths offer the same benefits but also are larger (8’x10’ space) and given priority placement. Our Affiliate Partners receive premium space. All exhibitors receive generous recognition in pre-conference promotional materials and email blasts, logo placement in registration brochure, on the OCA conference webpage, on the OCA homepage website year-round, acknowledgment in onsite conference program and materials, verbal recognition throughout by President/Convention Chair, and on various signage.

The two included booth representatives receive many additional perks including hosted breakfasts each day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), coffee and all breaks/refreshments in the exhibit hall and quality leads with chiropractic attendees.


  • Meet face-to-face with Oregon chiropractic physicians and staff; have meaningful opportunities to personally demo a new product or introduce and discuss your company’s services.

  • Expand your professional network and audience; be the face and go-to for Oregon chiropractic practices.

  • Show support of existing business relationships with our member physicians and their patients.

  • Opportunity to personally educate attendees about what your company offers and how you can bring added value to their organization and patients. Having dedicated one-on-one time in this quality setting is unlike any other opportunity to network and show your value.

  • A focused audience provides increased exposure and greater awareness about your products and services.

  • Dedicated exhibit hall times and incentive traffic drivers for increased time with attendees.

  • A listing on the OCA website year-round with a link to your company website.


All activities of the 2025 OCA Convention will be held at Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel (8235 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97220). Exhibits will be open throughout the entire conference, beginning Friday, April 25 morning and ending on Sunday, April 27 at noon. The exhibit hall has been enhanced from previous years to be even more valuable to you – better placement of all coffee/break stations and breakfast buffets and we’ve increased gathering areas/tables near all booths to maximize interaction time with attendees.

Set-up: Thursday, April 24 from 1-4 pm | Tear-down: Sunday, April 27 from 1-4 pm

All exhibitors and sponsors are encouraged to donate items to our raffle and/or host drawings/giveaways for attendees. Gift cards and custom baskets are desired raffle prizes and are a great way for more marketing; please indicate any raffle donations on your registration. Power/electricity is not included but can be purchased separately (must be in advance); we also suggest bringing individual power cords and extension strips.


All sponsors receive recognition in: pre-event promotional email marketing blasts (distributed to hundreds of contacts throughout Oregon and the region); OCA web/calendar pages; logo and listing in the attendee brochure (if received prior to printing); onsite meeting materials, packets, forms, and formal printed program; verbal recognition throughout event by the OCA President and Convention Chair, acknowledgment on the OCA website year-round as a supporter, and various signage at the event. 

Please note individual sponsorships do not include attendee registration or an exhibit, but either can be purchased separately. Please indicate as appropriate on registration or contact OCA for details/if plans change.

  • NAME BADGE SPONSOR $2,000 - SPONSORED: See your company logo on every convention badge (attendees, speakers, exhibitors, guests; every participant.). This highly visible promotion is front and center on every body!
  • LANYARD SPONSOR $1,500 (plus lanyards) - SPONSORED: Show off some pizzazz! Every attendee, speaker, exhibitor, guest (everyone) wears/receives a lanyard with your company logo/art with their badge. Sponsor is responsible for also providing the lanyards in addition to the fee.
  • ATTENDEE BAG SPONSOR — $2,000 (plus bags) - SPONSORED: All attendees are provided with a bag/packet upon check in and this sponsorship showcases your logo/art and support! Sponsor is responsible for also providing the bags.
  • BAG INSERT SPONSOR — $500: Get your flyer/literature/swag into every attendee bag! One item per sponsorship. Sponsor is responsible for also providing the material to insert into bag.
  • PRINTED ONSITE PROGRAM SPONSOR — $2,000: Every person will see your logo and support in our onsite printed program (with full schedule/room assignments, convention details, etc.). This is a “front and center” convention document.
  • SPEAKER SPONSORSHIP (multiple available) — $1,500: Be recognized and affiliated with an expert presenter! Show support of a speaker and get the opportunity to address the entire audience during the session (two minutes of podium time).
  • COFFEE STATION SPONSORSHIP (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) — $1,500: Bring the energy and provide the fuel by sponsoring the coffee station for attendees.
  • BREAKFAST SPONSOR (Friday, Saturday or Sunday)$2,500: Be one of the first things attendees see and benefit from with a hot breakfast buffet. Sponsor has the opportunity to briefly address the entire audience during breakfast with two minutes of podium time.
  • MORNING OR AFTERNOON BREAK SPONSOR (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) — $1,000: Breaks are a great opportunity to spotlight your company and make your brand more memorable to attendees. Coffee/beverages/refreshments provided with sponsorship.
  • LUNCH & LEARN PROGRAM SPONSOR (Friday or Saturday) — $2,500 - FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPONSORED: New special feature of the convention – a full lunch with a well-respected speaker. Sponsor has opportunity to welcome and address the entire audience with dedicated podium time.
  • FRIDAY CASINO NIGHT SPONSOR — $5,000 - SPONSORED: Be the presenting sponsor of this fun social event! Sponsor has opportunity to personally welcome and address the entire group/all participants and bring the fun to the convention! Sponsorship includes drink tickets and reception style hors d’oeuvres.
  • SATURDAY VIP NIGHT SPONSOR — $3,500 - SPONSORED:: This exclusive invite only reception will host VIP members and your company will be the highlight! Sponsor may personally welcome attendees and pass out drink tickets and enjoy the increased visibility at this relaxed social event.

Have other sponsorship ideas? OCA is happy to discuss other sponsorships that may benefit your marketing needs; give us a call at 503.256.1601. Exhibits and sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Early registration is strongly encouraged; priority placement is given to early sign-ups. OCA reserves the right to assign all exhibit space.


Download Printable Exhibit/Sponsor Details

Go to Convention Attendee Details/Registration

Check Out Convention Brochure

How do I register? Register for an exhibit/sponsorship by clicking "Add to Cart" green button above and completing the online form.
If you have any questions or need to pay by check instead of card, please just email us and we can help!

List current at time of print and updated regularly. Join this list!



2025 OCA Convention | April 25-27 - Portland, OR
Fri, Apr 25, 2025 - 07:30am to Sun, Apr 27, 2025 - 12:00pm PDT
Portland, Oregon


Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel

8235 Northeast Airport Way, Portland, Oregon 97220, United States
+1 503-281-2500


Name Badge Sponsorship
Lanyard Sponsorship
Attendee Bags Sponsorship
Bag Inserts Sponsorship
Printed Onsite Program Sponsor (full schedule and other onsite details)
Speaker Sponsorship

Friday Breakfast Sponsorship - 4/25
Friday Morning Break Sponsorship - 4/25
Friday Coffee Station Sponsorship - 4/25
Friday Lunch & Learn Sponsorship - 4/25
Friday Afternoon Break Sponsorship - 4/25
Casino Night (Friday) Reception

Saturday Breakfast Sponsorship - 4/26
Saturday Morning Break Sponsorship - 4/26
Saturday Coffee Station Sponsorship - 4/26
Saturday Lunch & Learn Program Sponsorship - 4/26
Saturday Afternoon Break Sponsorship - 4/26
Saturday Evening VIP Reception (invitation only)

Sunday Breakfast Sponsorship - 4/27
Sunday Morning Break Sponsorship - 4/27
Sunday Coffee Station Sponsorship - 4/27

Program Advertising - Back Cover Page
Program Advertising - Inside Front Cover Page
Program Advertising - Full Page Color
Program Advertising - Half Page Color
Program Advertising - Quarter Page Color